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I've Seen My God Today

I've seen my God today
I've touched my God today
I felt Him walking right beside me
I've seen my God today

In the sun that rises to greet me
In the birds as they fly singing melodies
In the clouds that shape in the heavens
In the breeze that whispers:
Come and Live Today! (Refrain)

In the beauty that flowers reveal
In the butterflies with their stories to tell me
In the glory of God in creation
In my heart I sing:
Come and Live Today! (Refrain)

In the smile and the love of a friend
In the tears and laughter of children
In the moments of healing and giving
In the heart that opens up:
Yes to Life and Love! (Refrain)

In my hearts, in my prayer,
In the stillness of the night
My Lord I sing, thank you for today.

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